Per an internet article by VOA news, "April showers bring May flowers" is a reminder that even the most unpleasant of things, in this case the heavy rains of April, can bring about very enjoyable things indeed -- even an abundance of flowers in May". I get the whole flowers thing because I have witnessed the results of rain in April and how it directly correlates to the blooming of so many beautiful flowers from the earth that was nourished by all the great minerals in the rain water.
But I don't agree that it (rain) was a most unpleasant thing that happened. I mean heavy rain doesn't really bother me. I have plenty of waterproof clothing to protect myself and I welcome it because my landscaping around the house comes to life and it jacks up the curb appeal. This April was a very productive month for me. Some good opportunities came my way and I was blessed to take advantage of them.
I was honored and humbled to appear on the Access Cleveland Sunday morning radio show to talk about my children's book "Winning the Race" with the listeners on WZAK 93.1. A few days later, I attended my first networking luncheon with the Chamber of Commerce and met new people and formed new business connections. And, I finally got the dent in the hood of my car repaired without having to file a claim with the insurance company! Lastly, I had the most blessed opportunity to donate 10% of my book sales to the United Cerebral Palsy of Greater Cleveland organization as well as a copy of my book and in return they posted a very nice, even flattering, blog article on their website acknowledging my pledge of recurring cash donations throughout the life cycle of each of my books! And, all of this happened despite those rainy April days!
So all in all, April Showers was a truly pleasant thing that happened to me. Are there any significant events that stand out for you during the time of April Showers in your life? Can you share them as encouragement to us on staying positive and hopeful even during those rainy days we may have from time to time? Your story could be very helpful to someone who is reading this blog and trying to find ways to move forward with optimism and hope!